Pre-Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Learning?

This second Pre-quiz will challenge you to think - it has the purpose of opening your mind so you can learn more in this lesson. It is another example of the many valid learning strategies that are counter-intuitive. Of course, you have not yet taken the lesson and you aren't expected to know all the answers, but this is not the point.

I know, high achievers sometimes get a little frustrated with these - if you are one, you like to be prepared to win. Sorry, but please put this aside for a minute, because winning is not why you are here - just focus for now on learning!

A pre-quiz is a great learning tool to "pop open" the inquiring mind to learning. Try it is some of your lessons! Have fun with the questions and don't feel pressure to get them right - delight in finding something you didn't know. You will find the reasons for the correct answers soon enough. Enjoy!

(OK - if your competitive instincts are still kicking in, count the number you got right when you weren't supposed to know the answer anyway!)

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