Fun Lesson 1 Pre-Quiz: How Much Do You Know?

This fun Pre-quiz will prepare you for this lesson - we ask you to do it because it helps you learn better. If you are thinking- "Hey wait a minute - I haven't seen the lesson yet!" Calm down now, the pressure is off - you aren't expected to know the answers. Let this little pre-quiz do its job to open your mind to learning about learning.

Sometimes when we teach, it is a good idea to turn things upside down to enhance the learning experience. But a quiz at the start is more than a novelty. As a teaching parent, you already have experience to tap into when you think about the answers. This means this quiz is activating your mind before you watch the video lesson and read the materials. See, you are already thinking about what you know - that's positive!

Now, if you are one of those perfectionist, get a cup of coffee and a cookie so you have fun with the questions and don't feel pressure to win. It's not like college, where you always got them right - this is fun adult learning.

Maybe this will help - treat the quiz like a puzzle - try to solve the problem. You will learn if you are right or wrong, and shortly you will understand why. Just enjoy!

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